How Meditation Can Help Dancers

The stress of everything happening in our lives and world can feel a lot, especially right now — we get it!

Maybe some of us dancers and instructors use dance class as a release, but that’s not an option for everyone right now. If you do have the chance to dance, in a studio or at home, we know it feels different — that’s OK and understandable. So as a way to calm our minds and our bodies, we wanted to offer something to you that has helped each of us — meditation.

Before you click away and wonder what this podcast has become, let us explain!

In Episode 7 of Vsi, we have just a brief chat on why we’ve grown to love meditation so much, and then we hand it over to our meditation guide, Sam Squire. She helps you get set up, explains a little bit about mindfulness meditation, and then transitions into the meditation that has been recorded specifically for you!

And we want to stress (in the least stressful way) that if you’re not so sure if meditating is for you, or how to even set yourself up to try it, Sam will walk you right through that.

Why meditation?

For us, meditation has helped find some clarity when thoughts come rushing to mind — which seems to be the majority of the time. Meditation isn’t about totally clearing the mind and having zero thoughts. Rather, it’s about tuning in and focusing on what exactly is coming to mind. Taking notice of your thoughts can be really helpful!

Meditation has also been a reminder for us to slow down. Our days can be so busy and jam-packed as we check off each item on our to-do lists, and setting aside time to meditate and slow our minds and bodies has been really beneficial.

Our meditation guide

Although Hannah allllllmost proved herself as an A+ meditation guide in Episode 2 when she started to lead us all through a wrist-rolling meditation, we did ask someone with a lot more experience to lead you through this meditation. We’re super excited that Sam Squire recorded a mindfulness meditation specifically for our Vsi community!

Sam is a meditation guide from Winnipeg currently living in Vancouver. She has training in meditation, yoga, and pilates, plus she’s studying to be a registered professional counsellor. Sam is an amazing meditation guide who not only knows so much about how the brain works but also is incredibly thoughtful and just really cares about those she leads in meditation (including all of you!). If you’d like to learn more about what type of meditation classes she offers, we highly encourage you to visit her website here

Want just the meditation?

You can listen to the full episode here, intro chat and all. And although we’re sure you love listening to us blabbing, a recording of just the meditation is available for you to listen to over and over again. Just sign up for our newsletter, and we’ll send you the recording so you can listen whenever you like. If you are already on our mailing list, there’s no need to sign up again — we already sent you a link to download the meditation!
